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Opening up a world of possibilities for your future

Like health, the more meticulously you manage your wealth, the longer it lasts. A growth strategy seeks to amplify your wealth over the long haul, opening up a world of possibilities for you. Whether you dream of a large retirement fund, a holiday home, or providing top-tier education for your children or grandchildren, a growth portfolio could be your ticket.

Choosing a growth investment strategy hinges on factors such as age, investment timeframe, risk tolerance, and life goals. Given its long-term nature, growth investing tends to be a good fit for younger investors – those in their 20s, 30s, or 40s – eager to optimise their investments by targeting the higher returns that growth portfolios aim to deliver.

Growth strategy

Contrary to popular belief, a growth strategy is for more than just the young. It can also be a compelling route for seasoned investors who view their capital as a legacy to be nurtured for future generations. Growth portfolios lean towards asset classes like equities and multi-asset funds, which offer the best potential for yielding higher, long-term capital returns.

Growth investors strive for increased exposure to sectors and regions projected to experience above-average long-term growth within these asset classes and funds. This is based on meticulous analysis and stringent investment criteria and may involve carefully managed investments in emerging markets or tech stocks.

Risk appetite

Everyone has a different risk appetite and tolerance for losses when investing. Some investors are highly risk-averse, sticking to savings accounts, while others might be drawn to higher-risk investments like stocks and shares.

Staying invested for the long haul, rather than attempting to trade and time the market actively, is one of the most effective ways to mitigate risk. The age-old wisdom of diversifying your investments – essentially, not putting all your eggs in one basket – rings true here. Betting all your funds on one particular stock or sector is more akin to gambling than investing.

Reinvesting capital

Growth strategies also capitalise on the power of compounding by reinvesting capital and dividends. You may have reached a stage where you want to convert your assets into regular payments that support a comfortable lifestyle or afford life’s luxuries. This tends to be especially crucial for those planning retirement, funding care costs, supplementing their primary income, or financing education.

There’s no universal answer, as the level of income you need is as unique as you are. It depends on your lifestyle, age, health, and goals. Your regular expenses can range from bills and food to significant expenditures like mortgage payments and maintenance costs. And that’s before considering discretionary spending on holidays, hobbies, or education.

Sufficient income

Striking the perfect balance involves drawing sufficient income from your investment without undermining its value. Our role is to guide you in achieving this equilibrium through a diversified investment strategy crafted uniquely for you.

Dividend and interest payments alone may not meet your cash flow needs. Hence, our attention is concentrated on achieving an ideal income level, all while ensuring that the risk involved aligns with your comfort zone.

Investment portfolio

Another critical aspect to consider is making provisions for inflation within your strategy. The goal is to develop a strategy to preserve the real-term value of income derived from your portfolio. We’ll help you explore options and structure your portfolio to cater to your needs.

Withdrawing large amounts from your savings and investments portfolio will inevitably reduce your base capital. Your remaining funds must then work harder and could run out sooner than anticipated. Inflation will also significantly threaten long-term savings, making incorporating this factor into your strategy essential.



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Gemini Wealth Management Ltd is Authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority Registered in England & Wales No. 5919877 Registered Office: Gemini House, 71 Park Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B73 6BT The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax and trust advice, will writing and some forms of buy to let mortgages. The guidance and/or advice contained in this website is subject to regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to those based in the UK.

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